
Here is a path. I can’t tell you what will happen along the way,

but I promise that I will be waiting at the end.

In the meantime, I will walk with you every step.


Singing is the deepest prayer for me, and it seems that God gives me the song I need at the right time.

Last night I was sitting with my mom in the hospital. She is okay for now but the medications were making her confused and the uncertainty of how things will be in the next weeks was making her frustrated. The song that came to me is based on Joshua 1:9 and the chorus goes:

“Only be strong, and of good courage,

Be not frightened, neither be dismayed,

For the Lord your God is with you,

Wherever you may go.”

I wish I could find a video to share the music with you. Know that I am praying this for all of you today.


Mary Beth Butler is an Episcopal layperson in North Texas. She is a retired university administrator, paving contractor, and occasional blogger.

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